
Thank you for registering

You are now registered to attend the upcoming Origin Energy Lunch and Learn session from 12:00pm to 1:30pm on 21 May 2024.

Thank you for popping your details in, make sure you block the time out in your calendar!

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3 benefits of using cloud environments for machine learning

Using cloud environments for machine learning can offer several benefits that can contribute to improved efficiency, scalability, and flexibility in your organisation. Machine learning (ML) and unpacking its capabilities has proven to be…

5 overlooked benefits of upskilling your workforce

As the business landscape continues to evolve, the importance of upskilling your workforce can’t be overstated. While some benefits of training —like bringing new skills into the company— are pretty obvious, there are often hidden advantages…

Mastering architecture: key strategies for cloud optimisation

As you are aware, the world of cloud computing is ever-expanding. There are new technologies, systems and configurations being developed and deployed every day. As more businesses shift to cloud and multi-cloud environments, the ongoing care…